_Persephone tells the story as if she’d...

She Wore Those Shoes


See more monologues from Erlina Ortiz


Persephone tells the story as if she’d rehearsed it her whole life. Yudy is completely hypnotized.

I was 16 and he was 32.

I was his accomplice. Though I never killed anyone.We traveled the country robbing anyone who came in contact with us.

Sometimes, too many times, things would get out of hand, and Raymond would have to kill them.

He always let them die slowly. Stabbed some place where they could bleed out.

But I didn’t want anyone to die alone.

I would pull their dying bodies into my arms and hold them tight until they were gone.

I would sing them little songs, as if they were babies.

Sometimes they cried, and I would cry with them. I would tell them I was sorry, kiss them on the head.

That is when I became Persephone.

The goddess of the underworld.

She ushered the souls of the dead into the beyond. At least with me, no one had to die alone.

I was always there for them.

I often begged Raymond not to kill the people. He never listened to me.

We finally got caught. At a gas station. They had my picture on the wall.

I did time until I was 18 but since it was proven that I hadn’t killed anyone myself, I was let go.

Raymond died in prison.

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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