Hey, Mom! (Beat.) Yeah, it’s Jonny. Ho...

So Far


See more monologues from Michael Dalberg


Hey, Mom!


Yeah, it’s Jonny. How are you and Dad?


What do you mean he’s out riding? He broke his leg two weeks ago. There’s no way the doctor approved him going back out there.


He’s going to re-break it, you know that. Why are you letting him go?


Of course you can stop him!


Well, no, I don’t suppose he’d appreciate it, but… I guess. He’s always been a bit of a wild one, hasn’t he? How have you put up with him so long?


Oh, gross! I don’t want to hear about that, Mom!


No, I don’t have a husband to tell you gross stories about.


I know, I know! No, I’m not seeing anyone. But that might change. I have a date tonight.


No, I’m not making this up!


Yes, Mom. A real girl. You ever think this is why I never mention dates to you?


She’s about my age. We met in class!


No, she’s less into the job, and more into the lifestyle she can get from it, I think. Not everyone needs money saved up, Mom.


She is not like Dad. She seems—well, I guess I don’t know how she seems; this is our first date. But she’s great! She’s always has the best commentary in class, she’s super smart without even needing to study, and she always has this great energy about her. And her hair… nevermind. But when I asked her out—


Okay, so she asked me, who cares?

(The doorbell rings.)

Shoot, that’s her! I’m going to have to let you go, Mom.

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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