You been stomping around here in those b...


Rosemary Sydney

See more monologues from William Inge


You been stomping around here in those boots like you owned the place, thinking every woman you saw was going to fall madly in love. But here’s one woman didn’t pay you any mind. Aristocratic millionaire, my foot! You wouldn’t know an aristocratic millionaire if he spit on you. Braggin’ about your father, and I bet he wasn’t any better’n you are. You think just ‘cause you’re a man, you can walk in here and make off with whatever you like. You think just ‘cause you’re young you can push other people aside and not pay them any mind. You think just ‘cause you’re strong you can show your muscles and nobody’ll know what a pitiful specimen you are. But you won’t stay young forever, didja ever think of that? What’ll become of you then? You’ll end your life in the gutter and it’ll serve you right, ‘cause the gutter’s where you came from and the gutter’s where you belong.

Inge, William. Four Plays. Grove Press, New York, NY. 1958. pp 123 - 124.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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