“It’s me. I got your text. That’s...



See more monologues from Jiehae Park


“It’s me.
I got your text.
That’s weird.
That’s weird.
That’s so freaking weird
She’s so freaking Dirty and weird but that’s weird Where are you
Because listen
I think
I think
I think she may have like
Magical Powers
I’m serious
I’m serious
I know that sounds
but I’m Serious
Because listen
Gabby told me she sees her one afternoon
In the parking lot of Lee’s apartment complex With this RAT
With this RAT in her HAND
And she was like
and holding it
like a baby
A little rat baby
And when she was done with her rat baby song
She lit a cigarette and walked
Didn’t smoke it just lit it
Stuck it flame-up in the dirt
And walked
[...] So
I’ve been thinking
I thought
I think
She never says anything
never you know?
So those things that she told you
those things that she knew
about you and me
Maybe she sees things
Maybe she sees that
Something Could Happen
What she said about you and finding his Finding him
Well maybe
Just maybe

Because here’s the thing.

I heard about your breakup (he probably deserved it)
The whole school heard (he totally deserved it)
You’re like really loud (it’s ok though I love you)
Here’s the thing.

You’ll never guess who asked me after AP Euro if that meant you needed a Hoopcoming date.

She pauses. For drama.

Call me.”

Park, Jiehae. Peerless. New York: WME Entertainment, Draft 1/17/16. p. 36-39.

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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