Forget the sledding… ! My wife and I hav...

Approaching Zanzibar

Randy Wands

See more monologues from Tina Howe


Forget the sledding… ! My wife and I have already bought him one of those aluminum numbers that looks like a satellite dish. Woooosh…! I can’t wait! My daddy used to bring me up here when I was little. We’d ease down on that old Flexible Flyer and go belly whopping all the way to Nashville and back. My mother’d have to pry us off with a crowbar… and then summers we’d come up here with chili dogs and soda and play our harmonicas. He was good, he was real good. When he got going, the bears would come popping out of those bushes and start stomping their feet like there was no tomorrow…!

Howe, Tina. Approaching Zanzibar and other plays. Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY. 1995, p. 19.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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