Y’know…you come in here, hauling in behi...

The Groves of Academe


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Y’know…you come in here, hauling in behind you those Big Heavy Guns of yours…and I feel like I want to hide behind the desk. Paul, you can take issue with something without having to annihilate it. You don’t have to vaporize your opponent. Did it ever occur to you that possibly, just possibly, the reason people have been reading Aristotle for twenty-four-hundred years or so, or that Freud is so widely published is that somewhere – somewhere underneath all that baloney they might have something to say? (a beat) Take what you get. Does that make any sense? Take what’s useful. Synthesize. Don’t destroy. Take this from here and that from there… Build something

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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