Flor. Truffaldino, will you come to Tu...

The Servant of Two Masters

Truffaldino Battochio Florindo Aretusi

See more scenes from Carlo Goldoni


Flor. Truffaldino, will you come to Turin with me? Truff. When? Flor. Now; at once. Truff. Before dinner? Flor. No, we will have dinner, and then we will go. Truff. Very good, sir. I'll think it over at dinner. Flor. Have you been to the Post? Truff. Yes, sir. Flor. Have you found my letters? Truff. I have, sir. Flor. Where are they? Truff. I will give you them. [Takes three letters out of his pocket. Aside] The devil! I have mixed up one master's letters with the other's. How shall I find out which are his? I cannot read. Flor. Come, give me my letters. Truff. Directly, sir. [Aside] Here's a muddle. [To Flor.] I must tell you, sir; these three letters are not all for your honour. I met another servant, who knows me; we were in service together at Bergamo; I told him I was


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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