_RHODA scans LIZ’s ticket. It is reject...

Free T-Shirt, Size Large

Tom Liz Ted Todd Rhoda

See more scenes from Rebecca Cox


RHODA scans LIZ’s ticket. It is rejected.

RHODA This ticket has already been scanned. Now, move along! (turning away from them) Next guest, please!

TOM Wait just a minute! I want my t-shirt! I paid for a ticket, and it comes with a t-shirt, and I’m not going anywhere until I have one. Large, please.

RHODA Medium.

LIZ Come on, Tom. It’s not worth it. It’s just a shirt.

TOM I don’t care! I’m entitled to it, and Rhoda here is using some kind of troll-logic I’m not familiar with.

RHODA I beg your pardon? Keep it up and I am going to ask you to leave!

TOM I want to talk to your manager.

RHODA I don’t have one.

TOM I said, call your manager. Now.

LIZ Tom…

RHODA There is no manager. You are welcome to walk down to guest services, if you like, but I need you out of this line. There are


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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