ALLEN: You thought you were being follow...

Mating Dance of the Werewolf

Ken Allen

See more scenes from Mark Stein


ALLEN: You thought you were being followed?

KEN: I didn't say that, Allen.

ALLEN: But you asked it. Were you?

KEN: (a moment, then:) I don't know.

ALLEN: Who by?

KEN: I don't know.

ALLEN: Are you working a case where someone might be after you?

KEN: No.

ALLEN: Is it a feeling you've had before?--that people are following you?

KEN: Allen. Enough.

(ALLEN lets the questions go, feeling a bit rejected. KEN sees this.)

KEN: It didn't have the feel of someone from a case.

ALLEN: Being followed has different feels?

KEN: It felt playful.

ALLEN: Playful?

KEN: Somehow. I was jogging through Enger Park when I sensed it--coming up on my left, just behind the trees. And then it was on my right! – it had cut across at some point but still out of sight. I decided to try outrun it. And did! I


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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