ROLLY: Cigarette, Allen? *(GRAYSON takes...

The Drag

Rolly Kingsbury Allen Grayson

See more scenes from Mae West


ROLLY: Cigarette, Allen? (GRAYSON takes cigarette—doesn’t pay attention—keeps looking at blueprint. ROLLY watching GRAYSON intently.) Light? (Lights his own and GRAYSON’s cigarettes. GRAYSON feels uncomfortable. Sits left of table, but interests self in blueprint. ROLLY crosses to divan and sits.) Well, what did you think of my friends?

GRAYSON: I didn’t see very much of them. I felt I was rushing them out.

ROLLY: Great boys, great boys, I am going on a weekend party and I’d love to have you join us. You’ll find the boys rather interesting, I think.

GRAYSON: You think so?

ROLLY: You’ve never met that particular type before?

GRAYSON: I can’t say that I have.

ROLLY: Perhaps you have and you didn’t know it. (GRAYSON looks up.) Why do you suppose I’ve had you come here so often? Haven’t


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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