THE PARLOR-MAID Mr. Henry: A gentleman w...


Eliza Doolittle Professor Henry Higgins Colonel Pickering Alfred Doolittle Mrs. Higgins

See more scenes from George Bernard Shaw


THE PARLOR-MAID Mr. Henry: A gentleman wants to see you very particular. He's been sent on from Wimpole Street.

HIGGINS Oh, bother! I can't see anyone now. Who is it?

THE PARLOR-MAID A Mr. Doolittle, sir.

PICKERING Doolittle! Do you mean the dustman?

THE PARLOR-MAID Dustman! Oh no, sir: A gentleman.

HIGGINS [springing up excitedly] By George, Pick, it's some relative of hers that she's gone to. Somebody we know nothing about. [To the parlor-maid] Send him up, quick.

THE PARLOR-MAID Yes, sir. [She goes.]

HIGGINS [eagerly, going to his mother] Genteel relatives! Now we shall hear something. [He sits down in the Chippendale chair.]

MRS. HIGGINS Do you know any of her people?

PICKERING Only her father: The fellow we told you about.

THE PARLOR-MAID [announcing] Mr. Doolittle. [She withdraws.]


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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