Giuseppe. And now our lives are going to...

The Gondoliers

Don Alhambra del Bolero Marco Palmieri Giuseppe Palmieri Gianetta Tessa

See more scenes from W.S. Gilbert Arthur Sullivan


Giuseppe. And now our lives are going to begin in real earnest! What's a bachelor? A mere nothing — he's a chrysalis. He can't be said to live — he exists.

Marco. What a delightful institution marriage is! Why have we wasted all this time? Why didn't we marry ten years ago?

Tessa. Because you couldn't find anybody nice enough.

Gianetta. Because you were waiting for us.

Marco. I suppose that was the reason. We were waiting for you without knowing it. (Don Alhambra comes forward.) Hallo!

Don Alhambra. Good morning.

Giuseppe. If this gentleman is an undertaker it's a bad omen.

Don Alhambra. Ceremony of some sort going on?

Giuseppe. (aside) He is an undertaker! (aloud) No — a little unimportant family gathering. Nothing in your line.

Don Alhambra. Somebody's birthday, I suppose?



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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