L’altra notte in fondo al mare



See more songs from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Arrigo Boito


L’altra notte in fondo al mare
Il mio bimbo hanno gittato
Or per farmi delirare
Dicon ch’io l’abbia affogato.
L’aura é fredda, il carcer fosco,
E la mesta anima mia
Come il passero del bosco
Vola via. Ah, pietà di me!
In funereo sopore
E mia madre addormentata,
E per colmo dell’orrore
Dicon ch’io l’abbio attoscata.
L’aura é fredda, il carcer fosco,
E la mesta anima mia
Come il passero del bosco
Vola via. Ah! Pietà di me!

Translation by Theodore T Barker, Boston, O. Ditson, 1908, p.18

To the sea, O night of sadness!
They my bab took and in it threw him!
Now, to drive me on to madness,
They declare ‘twas I who slew him!
Cold the air is, the dark cell narrow,
And my spirit, broken to-day.
Like the timid woodland sparrow,
Longs to fly far, far away. Father, pity me!
In a deathly slumber falling,
Died my mother - no aid could save her;
And, to crown the woe appalling,
They declare I poison gave her.
Cold the air is, the cell dark and narrow,
And my sad heart, broken to-day, etc.

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L’altra notte in fondo al mare