Dai campi, dai prati



See more songs from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Arrigo Boito


Dai campi, dai prati,
Che innonda la notte,
Dai queti sentier
Ritorno e di pace,
Di calma profonda
Son pieno e di sacro mister.
Le torve passioni del core
Si assonnano in placido obblio,
Mi ferve soltanto l’amore dell’umo!
L’amore di dio!
Ah! Dai campi, dai prati
Ritorno verso
L’Evangel mi sento attrato,
M’accingo a me di tar.

Translation by Theodore T Barker, Boston, O. Ditson, 1908, p.9

From the green fields, from the meadows,
Where are falling night’s shadows,
From the pathways now stilled,
Return I with sweet peace,
With calm deep and holy.
With myst’ries divine I am filled;
The passions that raged in my bosom,
All sleep in a quiet oblivion.
My only emotion is love and devotion
To God and to man!
Ah! From the green fields, from the meadows,
I now return!
And towards the Evangelist attracted,
I’ll yield me to mark and learn.

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Dai campi, dai prati