Blue Ridge, GA
PHONE: 706-632-9223
Performing Nov 7 - Nov 17
ALMOST, MAINE Auditions: Aug 19 &20, 2024 Production: Nov 7-17, 2024 Director: Nancy Sladky
Director: Nancy Sladky
Audition Dates: August 19 and 20.
Performance Dates: November 7-10 and 14-17
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Time and Place: The present (2000s), a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter in the mythical town of Almost, Maine
SYNOPSIS “A woman carries her heart, broken into nineteen pieces, in a small paper bag. A man shrinks to half his former size, after losing hope in love. A couple keeps the love they have given each other in large, red bags, until one compresses the mass into the size of a diamond. These playful and surreal experiences are commonplace in the world of John Cariani’s Almost, Maine, where on one deeply cold and magical Midwinter Night, the citizens of Almost -- not organized enough for a town, too populated for a wilderness -- experience the life-altering power of the human heart. Relationships end, begin, or change beyond recognition, as strangers become friends, friends become lovers, and lovers turn into strangers. Propelled by the mystical energy of the aurora borealis and populated with characters who are humorous, plain-spoken, thoughtful, and sincere, Almost, Maine is a series of loosely connected tales about love, each with a compelling couple at its center, each with its own touch of sorcery. The nine short, and sometimes, quirky vignettes, all have a fable quality and a sweet simplicity.”
Each male and female actor (ages 18-40) will play multiple characters. Important note from the playwright about all of the characters:
The people of Almost, Maine are not simpletons. They are not hicks or rednecks. They are not quaint, quirky eccentrics. They don’t wear funny clothes or funny hats. They don’t have funny Maine accents. They are not “Down Easters”. They are not fishermen or lobstermen. They don’t wear galoshes and rain hats.
The people of Almost, Maine are ordinary people. They work hard for a living. They are extremely dignified. They are honest and true. They are not cynical. They are not sarcastic. They are not glib. But this does not mean that they are dumb. They’re very smart. They just take time to wonder about things. They speak simply, honestly, truly, and from the heart.
PROLOGUE Pete - late teens to early 20s, dating Ginette. Inexpressive, nice guy, deep thinker. Ginette - late teens to early 20s, in love, lives in the moment, dating Pete.
HER HEART East - 20s to 30s, a patient, gentle, repairman. Glory - 20s to 30s, a hiker with a tough facade, yet has a broken heart.
SAD AND GLAD Jimmy - 20s to early 30s, a heating and cooling guy, in love with someone who doesn’t love him back. Trying to get over his lost love. Sandrine - 20s to early 30s, Jimmy’s ex-girlfriend, about to be married to someone else. She’s excited to be getting married, but feels bad for hurting Jimmy. Villian - 20s to early 30s, a salty waitress. A bit of a busybody.
THIS HURTS Marvalyn - 20s or early 30s, a woman who puts up a hard front to protect herself from getting hurt. Steve - 20s or early 30s, an open, kind fellow who doesn’t feel pain, very sheltered. Throughout his life, his brother has helped to protect him.
GETTING IT BACK Gayle - 20s to early 30s, longtime girlfriend of Lendall. Doesn’t understand Lendall’s actions. Lendall - 20s to early 30s, longtime boyfriend of Gayle. Calm, devoted to Gayle.
INTERLOGUE Pete and Ginette. (Described in Prologue)
THEY FELL Randy - 20s, Chad’s pal, a “country boy.” Discovers he has romantic feelings for Chad. Chad, 20s, Randy’s pal, a “country boy.” Discovers he has romantic feelings for Randy. Note: This scene can also be played by two women. Names will be changed.
WHERE IT WENT Phil - 30s to 40s, Marci’s husband, a hardworking man having marital issues, trying to work through it. Marci - 30s to 40s, Phil’s wife, a hardworking woman having marital issues, trying to work through it.
STORY OF HOPE Hope - 20s - 30s, an independent, confident woman, has traveled the world, has some regrets. Daniel - 20s - 30s, has not traveled the world. He must be either short or thin (or could be both). Suzette - (voice offstage) may be any age but “sounds” 30s.
SEEING THE THING Rhonda - 20s to early 30s, a tough tomboy who has never been in a relationship. Dave - 20s to early 30s, a timid guy who tries to be tough, but is really tender.
EPILOGUE Pete and Ginette (Described in Prologue)
2591 E 1st St, Blue Ridge, GA 30513, USA
Posted on Friday, May 03, 2024