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The Scottsboro Boys
african-american southern accent violent brain-damaged prostitute liar regretful ashamed tap dance jazz dance soft shoe drag white face
african-american southern accent young educated literate brother smart scared afraid precocious generous voracious reader tap dance soft shoe jazz dance
african-american southern accent young troublemaker illiterate thief rascal quiet resourceful observant thrill-seeker adventurous tap dance jazz dance soft shoe
african-american southern accent arrested imprisoned leader just reckless bold outspoken homesick illiterate charismatic stamina strong hard-working dreamer dreaming sensitive
The Secret Garden
british father uncle traveler lonely loving mourning guilty grieving guilt-ridden cruel hunchback cripple british accent grief recluse hermit reserved cold transformation
yorkshire yorkshire accent british brother gardener caretaker friend spiritual imaginative childlike wonder reasonable rational practical
british brother inheritance doctor lover longing grieving mournful mourning burdened responsible opinionated rigid resentful controlling manipulative british accent
old garden nature animals plants wise witty grizzled guard guarded spiritual british british accent
british british accent boy cripple ill lonely resentful wheelchair angry son fitful entitled scared frightened sheltered longing
british father army captain soldier british accent brave respectable distant
british lieutenant soldier 1800s india british accent
indian farsi ascetic religious hindu
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