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The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition
ensemble sardines fish identical subjects obsess annoying undersea ocean
undersea ocean creatures ensemble dancer tight harmony harmony
SpongeBob SquarePants
undersea ocean texas squirrel animal science inventor invention inventions land animal athletic fair competitive grounded jellyfishing karate technology resistant smart knowledgeable scapegoat land friend scientist
whale daughter caricature teenage teenager teenage girl stereotype stereotypical irresponsible chatty fangirl fan obsessed frustration frustrations frustrated belt belter belting ensemble undersea ocean
undersea ocean computer wife evil antagonist villain built companion programmed smart intelligent sassy likeable brain brains brainy plan plans plot plots technology artificial intelligence ai love lust loves lusts kiss chrome machine ensemble
undersea ocean creatures fish ensemble dancers dancing dance dancer harmony harmonies
undersea ocean mayor politician politics political reign firm commanding commander leader lead leading dictator dictatorial dictatorship tyrant tyrannical villain ruthless realization realizes realize error representation symbolization symbol right-wing fascist
blowfish fish teacher instructor driving boating boating instructor high-strung paranoid condescending relaxed follower grateful ensemble undersea ocean
sardine sardines fish identical subjects obsess obsessed obsessing annoying annoyance annoyances undersea ocean
Spring Awakening
innocent sex german death abortion young high school
german high school sex bohemian runaway abuse 1800s
german high school sex student school abuse 1800s
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