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The Scottsboro Boys
african-american southern accent exaggeration insecure homesick prostitute tough stubborn liar drag white face tap dance soft shoe jazz dance
african-american southern accent young angry volatile violent hot-tempered quick-tempered illiterate fiery tap dance soft shoe jazz dance
african-american southern accent young illiterate vulnerable nightmares terror scared afraid ignorant sensitive homesick
african-american southern accent young educated literate rat liar scared afraid blame defensive naive tap dance soft shoe jazz dance
african-american southern accent violent brain-damaged prostitute liar regretful ashamed tap dance jazz dance soft shoe drag white face
african-american southern accent young educated literate brother smart scared afraid precocious generous voracious reader tap dance soft shoe jazz dance
african-american southern accent young troublemaker illiterate thief rascal quiet resourceful observant thrill-seeker adventurous tap dance jazz dance soft shoe
The Secret Garden
british british accent bitter isolated lonely rude sour opinionated orphan explorer curious cholera hindu farsi inquisitive entitled demanding stubborn bold compassionate fiery mature engaging willful
yorkshire yorkshire accent british brother gardener caretaker friend spiritual imaginative childlike wonder reasonable rational practical
cat animal comedian agile mischievous narrator fun-loving lovable confidante versatile
curious troublemaker friend clever lonely outsider
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