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The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition
band boy band famous fish trio tattoed skater skateboarding concert demands demanding quit ensemble
lobster buff friend ensemble exercise muscular gym fit vain proud undersea ocean
elderly old man fish cane friendly wig ensemble undersea ocean
ensemble sardines fish identical subjects obsess annoying undersea ocean
undersea ocean creatures ensemble dancer tight harmony harmony
SpongeBob SquarePants
undersea ocean octopus cashier clarinet clarinetist uptight annoyed condescending pessimistic insecure insecurity insecurities serious determined opportunistic dream sequence loser tap dancer tap tapping tap dance blue
undersea ocean protagonist title character optimistic yellow sea sponge sponge kind fry cook honest loyal caring employee friend pineapple happiness happy annoying annoyance hero proactive motivated identity purpose triple threat belt belting belter happy-go-lucky
undersea ocean plankton evil owner manager antagonist husband villain villainous plot plots plan plans unsuccessful restaurateur rival arch enemy small microscopic green insecure insecurity insecurities hypnotize hypnosis chum rap rapping rapper
undersea ocean starfish best friend neighbor rock dimwit dimwitted carefree overweight unemployed unemployable waiting waits wisdom stupid stupidity deified abandons abandoning abandon comedy comedic comic relief comedic timing pink
undersea ocean creatures fish ensemble dancers dancing dance dancer harmony harmonies
band boy band famous fish trio tattooed tattoos tattoo skateboard skateboards skateboarding concert demands demand demanding quit ensemble
lobster buff friend exercise exercising gym muscular muscles fit fitness vain proud ensemble undersea ocean
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