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Les Troyens
french language public domain grand opera trojan wars carthage greek history greek myth roman history roman myth trojan horse prophecy ancient history ancient greece ancient rome priest ceremony funeral pluto ancient gods greek mythology roman mythology dramatic bass dramatic bass-baritone
french language public domain grand opera trojan wars troy greek history greek myth roman history roman myth trojan horse prophecy ancient history ancient greece ancient rome soldier warrior peace joy happiness lyric baritone dramatic baritone
french language public domain grand opera trojan wars greek history troy carthage greek myth roman history roman myth trojan horse prophecy warrior ghost spirit priest religion ancient history ancient rome courtier soldier sailor slave nymph faun mythical creature
The Tsar’s Bride
russian language public domain russian history warrior bodyguard torturer executioner love jealous jealousy poison
russian language public domain russian history lover fiance prince boyar nobleman dramatic tenor spinto tenor
russian language public domain russian history doctor physician medic witch doctor magic love potion poison poisoner character tenor
russian language public domain russian history guard warrior bodyguard dramatic bass
russian language public domain russian history father marriage dramatic bass dramatic bass-baritone
russian language public domain russian history servant footman lyric bass
russian language public domain russian history tsar king ruler brutal violent imperious historical figure
russian language public domain russian history peasant character tenor lyric tenor
russian language public domain russian history bodyguard guard singer dancer servant maid peasant
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