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L'Italiana in Algeri
strong smart creative tricky beautiful love italian rossini
love longing marriage slave italian rossini high-c
bey husband love lust women harem bored conquests italian rossini
love duped old follower italian rossini unrequited love
wife spurned rejected sad italian rossini high-c
leader algerian servant italian rossini
servant friend helpful confidant italian rossini
servants eunuchs slaves italians
L'Orfeo - Favola in Musica
italian language public domain orpheus myth baroque love loss music underworld emotional turmoil christian moral ancient greece greek myth power of music death mourning grief husband widower hero musician lyric tenor coloratura tenor lyric baritone coloratura baritone
italian language baroque public domain orpheus myth love loss music underworld emotional turmoil christian moral ancient greece greek myth power of music death god greek god youth lyric tenor lyric baritone
italian language baroque public domain orpheus myth love loss music underworld emotional turmoil christian moral ancient greece greek myth power of music death bride wedding day accident wife lyric soprano lyric mezzo
italian language baroque orpheus myth love loss music underworld emotional turmoil christian moral ancient greece greek myth power of music death messenger friend responsibility lyric mezzo lyric soprano
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