english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love affair brutality civility civilized uncivilized husband and wife engage fiance fiancee high society aristocracy theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish lover girlfriend flirt wedding excited suicide pact lyric soprano imprisonment monomania
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love brutality civility uncivilized metatheater surreal surrealism spain spainsh injured husband and wife pianist musician art artist high society theatre of the absurd lyric mezzo
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery brutality civility civilized uncivilized high society aristocracy theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish colonel military lyric baritone imprisonment
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love brutality civility civilized uncivilized aristocracy aristocrat high society count theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish explorer bold brash confident rude lyric tenor imprisonment
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide suicide pact death madness mental illness monomania mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love brutality civility civilized uncivilized husband and wife engaged fiance fiancee high society aristocracy theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish lover boyfriend flirt wedding excited lyric tenor imprisonment
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter imprisonment butchery love brutality civility civilized uncivilized high society aristocracy theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish countertenor tantrum childish arguments brother brother sister relationships anxiety ocd
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness imprisonment mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery butcher brutality civility civilized uncivilized high society theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish household staff butler practical servant subservient character baritone lyric baritone
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd suicide death madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love affair brutality civility uncivilized civilized husband and wife rapist attempted rape vampire vampiric high society aristocracy theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish conductor musician husband lyric bass-baritone dramatic bass-baritone imprisonment
english language new opera contemporary opera absurd death illness madness mental illness mature decomposition slaughter animal slaughter butchery love affair brutality civility civilized uncivilized high society theatre of the absurd metatheater surreal surrealism spain spanish elderly visions lyric bass-baritone dramatic bass-baritone bass-baritone imprisonment
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