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Feast in Time of Plague
public domain russian language tragedy death denial acceptance one-act plague disease 17th century london debauchery drinking feasting philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera scottish folk song miserable mourning sorrowful plaintive lyric mezzo dramatic mezzo
public domain russian language tragedy acceptance denial one-act plague disease death 17th century london debauchery philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera priest religion catholicism hell punishment sin reality religious leader dramatic bass lyric bass
public domain russian language tragedy death acceptance denial one-act plague disease 17th century london debauchery drinking feasting philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera fashionable mean fearful nervous dreams lyric soprano full lyric soprano
public domain russian language tragedy acceptance denial one-act plague disease death 17th century london debauchery drinking feasting philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera positive present lyric tenor dramatic tenor
public domain russian language tragedy acceptance denial one-act plague disease death 17th century london debauchery drinking feasting philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera plague wagon negro black actors social status wagon driver
public domain russian language tragedy acceptance denial one-act plague disease death 17th century london debauchery drinking feasting philosophy satire pandemic 20th century opera guests
prisoner noble dutiful husband doomed starved
faith determined disguise fearless strength wife love hopeful
jailer father justice dutiful humane
moral high-ranking friend just
evil vengeful menace enemy murderer
young lover spurned pleading assistant yearning
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