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Zoot Suit
american mexican-american 1940s chicano chicana girlfriend ex-girlfriend spanish accent spanish speaking
american mexican-american 1940s chicano chicana girlfriend loyal loving spanish accent spanish speaking
american mexican-american 1940s chicano chicana mother wife caring optimistic spanish accent spanish speaking
american mexican-american 1940s chicano father husband dignified honor protective spanish accent spanish speaking
american los angeles 1940s lawyer public defender people's lawyer ally intelligent justice fairness social justice racial justice
american mexican-american 1940s chicano zoot suit gang 5m scenes pride prideful husband father friend spanish accent spanish speaking
american mexican-american 1940s chicano zoot suit gang charming flirt 5m scenes respectful spanish accent spanish speaking
american los angeles 1940s judge court bias manipulative misconduct
american los angeles 1940s police police officer good cop logical
american mexican-american 1940s chicano chicana sister daughter loyalty respectful spanish accent spanish speaking
american mexican-american 1940s chicano zoot suit gang spanish accent spanish speaking violent
american mexican-american 1940s chicano zoot suit brother son attacked military hotheaded defensive spanish accent spanish speaking
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