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Outside Mullingar
son irishman irish accent deluded cracked crazy sane hurt broken determined loving farmer patient heartbroken
smoker daughter irish accent irishwoman certain grieving determined blunt intelligent romantic beautiful farmer
widow widower irish accent irishwoman mother heartbroken grieving opinionated friend
father irish accent wily widower irishman stubborn independent romantic farmer opinionated friend
The Outsiders
teenager teenage boy standard american accent greaser direct address orphan gangster working class sensitive insecure
standard american accent gangster violent teeanger boyfriend alcoholic upper class
standard american accent teenager cheerleader upper class student high school
young man gangster greaser standard american accent working class prison violent
standard american accent brother orphan gangster working class 2m 1f scenes
teenager teenage boy standard american accent friend son gangster neglected working class
standard american accent gangster teenager gang upper class friend bitter
brother oprhan standard american accent gangster working class siblings boyfriend dropout 2m 1f scenes
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