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What Every Woman Knows
brother son forties scottish scottish accent bachelor argumentative kind caring trade businessman 3m scenes
son brother scottish scottish accent practical playful bachelor marriage 3m scenes gentle protective
lazy indolent entitled wealthy english english accent niece passionate idealistic playful romantic entanglement
daughter sister plain scottish scottish accent kind motherly caring protective loyal self-deprecating clever intelligent
maid servant early modern english accent
When Bad Things Happen to Good Actors
student high school student experienced frustrated acting 2m 1f scenes 1m 2f scenes serious annoyed breakdown disbelief teen role
student high school student teen role acting disbelief singing determined helpful 2m 1f scenes 1m 2f scenes
student high school student unhelpful lazy teen role acting
manager babbling mistake theatre upset offstage voice 3m scenes 2m 1f scenes 1m 2f scenes
student high school student acting teen role nervous forgetful ad libbing
guard annoyed serious acting frustrated student high school student teen role angry desperate 3m scenes 1m 2f scenes 2m 1f scenes
student high school student teen role acting munchkin
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