Wife?! Is that right? And what is your d...

The Wife, The Noble and The Mistress

Peter Ridley

See more monologues from Christopher Brian Langley


Wife?! Is that right? And what is your duties? As a wife, what can you provide? A home? Money? Security? Nothing of the sort, the one thing that God has blessed, specifically to every woman, is to bear a child. You can’t even do that. So, tell me, what is due to me? I know what you can’t do, so what can you do? What makes you so special to call someone a whore? You sit here in this chair and rebuke, curse, and abuse me as if we are equals in this marriage. Take responsibility, Joan. Life is not fair. We must deal with the hand we are dealt. My pursuit in life has been dictated by the tools that were given to me. You are my wife and despite how you feel, I honor with my life but none of this even matters if I die along with it. My name, my legacy must prevail. To last, and the way we have gone about it -- too much time has been wasted. My patience has ran thin with your inadequacy. So, this is how it’s going to be because I can’t stand to stomach another failure.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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