Why do we do it? (SHOWING PHOTOS) Why do...



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Why do we do it? (SHOWING PHOTOS) Why do we spend our whole lives trying to look like this, or this, or even that? What makes us spend every waking moment desperately striving to be beautiful? For most of us it’s impossible. We weren’t born with perfect olive skin, crystal blue eyes and upward curving breasts or long dark locks, washboard stomachs and a tight bum that looks incredible in footy shorts. We don’t perfect teeth, perfect figures or perfect muscles. We have hair that really isn’t black or brown, eyes that are often so red you’ve forgotten the colour, that is if you can get past the rings underneath, pudgy little stomachs, disappearing chins, acne, rotten teeth, cellulite thighs, nobbly knees, love handles, third eyebrows, saggy tits, burst capillaries, big noses, pointy ears and fat arses. Not to mention the hair you have but don’t want if you’re a girl and the hair you don’t have but want if you’re a guy. We aren’t ever going to look like that so what keeps us on the relentless quest for perfection? Is it insecurity or vanity, self love or self hate, the desire to fit in or the desire to stand out, the need to be accepted or the wish to be admired? Do we do it so that special person will fall in love with us or do we do it so everybody will love us? Do we do it because we’re mad or because we’re sane, because we’re sad or because we’re happy, because we’re bored or simply because we can? Or do we do it because we’re never satisfied? Because no matter how much you’ve got you can never have enough. Anyway what’s wrong with improving your appearance, making the best of what you’ve got, looking your optimum. Nothing, except sometimes, somewhere in all this obsession with surface, something gets lost. The image no longer reflects the reality. At some point the body takes over from the soul, and when that happens it’s easy to forget where you came from and just who that beautiful person in the mirror really is.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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