Start: He used to swear this really hap...



See more monologues from Caryl Churchill



He used to swear this really happened. When he was ten his mother died in childbirth, and his father soon got a woman in he said was a housekeeper, but she slept with him from the first night. My grandfather hated her and she hated him, and she’d send him to bed without any tea, and his father always took her side.

[... … …]


The old fellow gave my grandfather a gold sovereign and told him to walk west and look for a job on a farm over that way, so he walked five days and slept five nights in barns, and got a job on a farm near Doncaster.

For the full extended monologue, see the script edition cited below: Caryl Churchill, Fen. Plays 2, Methuen Drama, 1990. pp. 131-132.

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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