(DEWEY, a nervous student dressed in far...

When Bad Things Happen to Good People


See more monologues from Jason Pizzarello Ian McWethy


(DEWEY, a nervous student dressed in farmer’s clothes, enters and walks to center stage. Stops. Out to audience:)

DEWEY: Welcome to Kansas. My name’s farmer Ben. I bet a lot of you think nothing ever interesting could happen on a farm in Kansas, and for the most part you’re right. Nothing really has. That is, until one day, a horrendous tornado swept through town and took my Aunt Dorothy to a mystical place called Oz. But I’m getting ahead myself. Let me first introduce you to…

(Beat. DEWEY looks very lost.)

DEWEY: To, uh…

(Beat. Uh oh. Calling to the back of the house:)

DEWEY: Line!

(No response.)

DEWEY: I know you said that during a real performance we wouldn’t be allowed to call for line but… I need a line. I think just giving me my line would be better than holding up the show so. Line. Line!

(Still no response. He laughs nervously. He looks off, starting to panic.)

DEWEY: Hello? Is Ms. Rhinehart even there, guys? Anyone. Does anyone have the script? (To the Stage Manager, off) Lucy, you have the script right?

[From off stage, unheard:] No.

DEWEY: What do you mean you don’t have a script? But you’re the stage manager! How do you not have a copy of the script?! How are you cuing the show? But I don’t know my lines! Where’s Ms. Rhinehart!? A date?!

(Beat. Lucy says something from off stage.)

DEWEY: A date?! (Beat. Then faces out:) So… I’m gonna leave now. Hope you enjoy our one-act version of The Wizard of Oz. I’m sorry I forgot my monologue.

(DEWEY walks off stage.)

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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