Start: As we look once more and for the...

Rebel Without a Cause


See more monologues from James Fuller



As we look once more and for the last time at th replica of the stars in their course reflected on the done of this planetarium in their ever-changing but orderly pattern, we note that one of these stars is much larger than the rest and increases in size as we watch. As this star approaches us, the weather will change.

[... … …]


Through the infinite reaches of space, the problems of Man seem trivial and naive indeed. And Man, existing alone, seems to be an episode of little consequence … That’s all. Thank you very much,

James Fuller, Rebel Without a Cause. Based on the screenplay by Stewart Stern. Dramatic Publishing Company, 1958. pp.30-32.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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