No, mom, they didn’t have any. The store...



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No, mom, they didn’t have any. The store was so wild. Like there was nothing. Yep - I am washing them so much my hands are raw. No no, don’t send me anything here, I told you they’re kicking us out of the dorms. I don’t know. MOM I DON’T KNOW THEY JUST TOLD US. Everyone is freaking out. Aaron’s parents are coming by tomorrow morning to get us and then I’ll come home when I can. I’m not sure when that will be. Maybe.Yeah Cam called me after they made the announcement, but getting there would be hard, too. Aaron’s family offered. They have the room. They did a huge Costco run or something. It’s gonna be fine. Aaron’s family is like 30 minutes from here, and they’ve got plenty of space. There’s a spare room I can have for a bit. Yes of course I thanked them. No, they are all moving online. Yeah my laptop is fine. Aaron and I have two classes together anyway so we’ll just - oh my god we are not. Mom we are just friends. Yes, I know. Ew, stop.

Listen, all I know right now is I can’t stay here. No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Because - mom...the problem is I could have it and you’re already dealing with stuff. I don’t want to give it to you. No I don’t, but there are people who have it who don’t have symptoms and what if, like, I’m one of those people. You’re not listening. You are safer alone right now. Please, you are making this so much worse. To get home I’d have to fly and that’s even more people I could give it to or get it from and then I’d somehow have to get from the airport to the house. But I wouldn’t want you to pick me up. You need to stay home. Mom! I’m not overreacting. People are dying.

Will you stop? Can you just for a second f#@king just - sorry, this is all very overwhelming. I’m overwhelmed. I’m just trying to pack up my stuff. I’m not sure what the plan is, I just know at this point you’re safer if you’re at home...and I’m not. I miss you, too. I’ll call you tomorrow.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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