Yes, everything! Don’t be a beast, Bunty...

The Vortex

Nicky Lancaster

See more monologues from Noël Coward


Yes, everything! Don’t be a beast, Bunty, just try to see her point a little, even if you do dislike her. She is terribly silly about being “ young ” I know, but she’s been used to so much admiration and flattery and everything always, she feels she sort of can’t give It up--you do see that, don’t you?
She used to be known as that--I can remember her when I was quite small, coming up to say good night to me, looking too perfectly radiant for words--and she used to come to the school, too, sometimes, and everyone used to go mad over her, and I used to get frightfully proud and excited--

Noel Coward. The Vortex. Ernest Benn Ltd, 1924. p.72

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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