Most people assume my name’s Jessica....

Cost of Living


See more monologues from Martyna Majok


Most people assume my name’s Jessica.

It’s not.

My mother came to the country with no English, very little, and she’s in this hospital in Newark—it’s not there anymore this is clearly like a few years—and the nurse hands me to my mom for the first time.

[... ]

And so my mom, when the nurse asked my name, she I think she meant to say yes but, in her, y’know, her accent …

So my name’s Jess.

Just Jess.

They were nice enough to put two s’s.

Martyna Majok. The Cost of Living Theatre Communications Group (electronic edition), 2018. p.74.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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