I can’t leave him, Chris. ... I almost d...

A Very Modern Marriage


See more monologues from Arthur M. Jolly


I can’t leave him, Chris. ... I almost did - before we even got married. The night before our wedding, you know where I was? The Greyhound Bus station, ticket in hand. Orlando - furthest distance they had that night. I never told Matt about it. I was holding that ticket - curled up in curve of one of those blue plastic chairs. I sat there, thinking: is this - is this what I... Is this forever, I mean whatever. Growing up, hearing my parents - I’d lie awake and listen to them... you were at the reception, you remember them? A hall for three hundred people, not big enough for the two of them at the same time…
Okay, he’s Matt. He will have his grand whatevers, his moments of... he may even have a - I don’t know what you guys have. A fling? A... an experiment? But the thing is - a marriage... it’s not about when it’s easy.
I decided that night, that this would be forever. ‘Til death do us part.
Then I shot him.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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