TEACH: I come into the Riverside to get...

American Buffalo

Walter "Teach" Cole

See more monologues from David Mamet


TEACH: I come into the Riverside to get a cup of coffee, right? I sit down at the table Grace and Ruthie. I’m gonna order just a cup of coffee. So Grace and Ruthie’s having breakfast, and they're done. Plates . . . crusts and stuff all over . . .

[... … …]

I’m wondering were they eating it and thinking “This guy’s an idiot to blow a f*#&!^& quarter on his friends”. . . this hurts me, Don. This hurts me in a way I don’t know what the f#^@ to do.

Mamet, David, American Buffalo, Concord Theatricals, pp. 10-11.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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