The servants are afflicted with an -...

The Lady Demands Satisfaction

Lord Abernathy

See more monologues from Arthur M. Jolly


The servants are afflicted with an -
(sees he’s talking to Penelope)
(he moves over to Theodosia)
The servants are afflicted with an ethology peculiar to those of the lower classes on the last night of service. Much like the common dairy-cow on the eve of Lady Day, when they sense the newly uncovered meadows without the barn walls, these servants sense that your dictums are soon to be left behind them, as on the morrow, this Continental Meister takes on the mantle of stewardship, and they will be put out to pasture. You would be advised to allow them some leeway - one cannot restrain a dancing cow. Moo! Moo!

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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