Everything went well for years until a f...

A Murder is Announced

Miss Marple

See more monologues from Agatha Christie Leslie Darbon


Everything went well for years until a few weeks ago. Then you had some bad luck. You ran into Rudi Scherz. He recognized you as Charlotte. You knew Belle could die at any moment and you knew the sort of man he was.
You put an announcement in the paper saying a murder is going to take place at six-thirty. Then turn up. I’ll fuse the lights and you pretend it’s a hold up. It’ll scare them stiff. Then I’ll give you your money”.

Agath Christie & Leslie Darbon. A Murder is Announced.Samuel French, 1987. p.102.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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