These categories are, well, for a start,...


Tessa Kendrick

See more monologues from Lucy Kirkwood


These categories are, well, for a start, these categories are, they’re just versions of Western categories. Which is, it’s what you asked for but. But I need five years to build a really accurate segmentation and, well, you have me on a six-month contract.
[... …]
Because you’re about to get into bed with someone you don’t really understand, which is, it just seems a bit... lunatic, because, you know, this is the future. It’s the next hundred years. And we don’t understand. And I think that might be a problem. Right?

Lucy Kirkwood. Chimerica. NHB (electronic edition). p.146.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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