START: ‘I am here in a unique position....

Prima Facie

Tessa Ensler

See more monologues from Suzie Miller


START: ‘I am here in a unique position.
Usually I stand at the bar,
but now I am in this courtroom as a witness,
a complainant,
a victim.
As a barrister I have questioned women in sexual assault cases on the assumption that the evidence can be delivered in a clean, logical package.
[... …]
END: Because,
the truth is that
one in every three women are sexually assaulted.
And their voices need to be heard.
They need to be believed,
for justice to be done.’

Suzie Miller. Prima Facie. NHB (electronic edition) pp.120-123

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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