Olivia. I wonder. When two people of our...

Mr. Pim Passes By

Olivia Telworthy

See more monologues from A.A. Milne


Olivia. I wonder. When two people of our age think of getting married, one wants to be quite sure that there is a real community of ideas between them. Supposing that after we have been married some years we found ourselves getting estranged from each other upon such questions as Dinah's future, or the comparatively trivial matter like the right color for a curtain, or the advice to be given to a friend who had innocently contracted a bigamous marriage. Think how bitterly we should regret our hasty plunge into a matrimony which was no true partnership, whether of tastes or ideas or even of consciences. Ah me!

For full extended monologue, please refer to clips or the script edition cited here: A.A. Milne, Mr. Pim Passes By, Public domain, 2015.

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