Whoa whoa whoa let’s get it started...



See more monologues from D. P. Roberts


DANIEL starts recording; the initial angle is very unflattering. Some gnarly post-grunge plays in the background. He repositions the camera so he’s square. For a little while he acts as though he forgot he’s being recorded; he eats some Cheetos out of a bag and takes a few swigs of Mountain Dew--perhaps belches. He begins speaking as though to himself.

Whoa whoa whoa let’s get it started let’s get-- Welcome you mouth breathing losers to “Inner Sanctum” the blog about all the trash in my brain.

This is part...fifteen? sixteen? of my series on The Sybil Hoax. Digging up the truth the stuff they don’t want you to know. They, They--you know who I mean.

Biiiiiig day today. This is it, it okay so check this (He holds up a paper briefly in front of the screen; it is a dense contract.). Boom! The last puzzle piece the missing link y’all I got this little cutie from user and subscriber KingZalgo777, thank you fam.

I hold in my hand a contract, the smoking gun, between YouTube to Sybil Onasis, to get her to release all creative control of Dream Space.

YouTube controlled the content of Dream Space, like, from almost the beginning. Proof.

Okay so what does this have to do with Daystar? So Daystar as we know owns half the Internet in one way or another including parts of YouTube, so imagine you’re Sybil and this company that has more money than God wants to pay you a load of cash to produce ASMR videos? Harharhar. It’s over.

But and but so I’m getting ahead of myself, but the question is what would Daystar want with Dream Space, huh? Juuust a little thing called M. K. Ul-tra.

For you sheeple who haven’t heard of MK Ultra, it was a real--it was real--government program from the 1960s--this is fact, established fact--where they were trying to build the ultimate super-soldier using mind control techniques and hallucinogenic drugs. Okay.

So okay this (The contract) gives context to this (A large stack of loose papers), and this (The stack) is what I’ve been reviewing with you freaks in the past few episodes, accounts of patents, emails, memoranda, that shows Daystar is clearly working on mind control projects, subliminal y’know, there are decades worth of contracts here between Daystar and the US Government, a whole section here of just ASMR they’re obsessed with ASMR something to do with the brains of people who’re affected by it, like there’s like a little keyhole into the mind that ASMR, like, exposed Daystar’s figuring out what the key is.

So then two years ago Daystar just happens to buy Dream Space?

Signals they can embed, like hypnosis, using frequencies, then when so victim hears a keyword, bam!, they get locked-in, the mind shuts off and they loose their free will. And Sybil was the tip of the spear!

So but MK Ultra wanted super-soldiers, what they want now with this new project is super-consumers. There’s a whole team of brilliant minds working together on Reddit to decode the messages that Daystar has been working into the Dream Space videos. There are people deconstructing the audio and finding frankly bizarre frequency signatures: the keyhole, do you follow? I’ll post more on that maybe next week.

So Sybil she’s gone but not dead of course that crime scene was a joke do they expect us to buy that? She’s a patsy, just another victim of Illuminati government technocracy New World Order that’s held us under its thumb for since Eisenhower had a secret meeting with the greys, which is how we got wifi, which frankly I’m too tired to even get into at the moment I honestly don’t even know what time it is and gotta get some sleep, alright see you tomorrow, losers.

He stops recording.

All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.


All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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