I ended it with Raul. Just yesterday....

Mating Dance of the Werewolf


See more monologues from Mark Stein


I ended it with Raul. Just yesterday. I told him to take a hike. I couldn't get it out of my head, whenever I was with him, that this wasn't something Abby would do. Which was weird because I'd gotten into this thing to prove to myself that I wasn't domesticated...and now this most undomesticated, in fact, feral--not to mention completely cuckoo--woman was causing me to feel so wrong to be doing this. So guilty. (catching herself:) No. Not guilty. (then:) Puny.

It affected me. To the point that I ended it. Not the way Abby would've maybe. She'd have ripped out his liver and festooned the room with his intestines. But, in my own way, I did my best.

There's something about Abby -- even at work, in her cubicle, curled up on her chair... She exudes. She exudes, the little twit! And I don't mean B.O. I don't know what it is. But if I could bottle it, I could become so rich... You know what I'd name it? Predator.

There’s something about Abby. I think she’s loony. But there's something about the fact that you find her attractive that I find...more than touching. It's gripping. It has me in its grip and I don't know why! It brings out something in me.

I know I've always been a bit sexually peckish when I'm around you, but your thing for Abby has made me famished.



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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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