. . . but in our ideals are to be found...

The Little Theatre


See more monologues from Con Chapman


. . . but in our ideals are to be found our values, and in our values are enshrined the things we cherish most, a mother’s love for her child (WHEATLEY makes a circle with arms as if holding a baby; PATTY sees, imitates the gesture) . . . our yearning for spiritual fulfillment (WHEATLEY extends one arm in a sweeping movement and tilts head upwards, PATTY again imitates the gesture) . . . our desire for safety, security, and harmonious relations with our fellow human beings. (WHEATLEY opens both hands, palms facing outwards, and looks side to side, as if welcoming a crowd, PATTY again follows example).

And so I say to you (WHEATLEY lifts a finger of one hand upward, PATTY does so as well) . . . that to make a better world tomorrow, we must—each one of us (slowly, as if in conclusion) become a better person today. (WHEATELY folds his hands together at the waist, PATTY follows his example). Thank you.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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