But I know now, Gloria. With you by my...

Life Knocks

Ian Evans

See more monologues from Tom Attea


But I know now, Gloria. With you by my side, the past is dead for me. Death is dead for me. I see only life. Say half of my brain is gone; say I'm crazy; say I'm insensitive to suffering and death. But I am in love with life. It is my joy, my passion, my all! And I shall never lose my faith in it. With your help, I shall write of it and its glory, death and our obsession with it. I shall cut life out of the cold, black rock of death! And I shall leave a beautiful, shining, life-enhancing poetic legacy, even if no one knows of it while I am alive. Life, Gloria, I am in love with you!

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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