Yeah, I say unto you, ever since the Fal...


Pastor Frederick Wilmont

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Yeah, I say unto you, ever since the Fall, ever since that fateful day that Eve tempted Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge, we have been stained with original sin, stained from birth, and, oh, what sinners we all become as we go through life and succumb to the temptations of Satan. We would all surely be damned, if it were not that God, the Father, sent us his only begotten Son, the Lord, Jesus Christ, to redeem us, to die on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we, weak and flawed as we all are, have the glorious hope that, through the supreme sacrifice and intercessions of Jesus Christ, we may find forgiveness, the forgiveness that alone can save us from eternal damnation and grant us entrance into heaven and eternal life with our holy Savior and God, the Father. Yes, despite our all-too evident unworthiness, we may be saved forever through the redemptive sacrifice of Christ Jesus. And all that is required is absolute faith in our living Savior, as vouchsafed to us through every sacred word, as revealed in the New Testament. And let me especially caution you to beware of the promptings of all the hell-bent modern forms of secularism, whether its root be science, “philosophy,” ...

(mispronounces it derogatorily as “feelosophy”)

... or any other form of damnable modernism. Yeah, pluck it from your mind and cast it aside, as Christ cast out the Devil. And remember most of all, the word of God, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, is absolute, final, and eternal. It shall hold sway until the Judgement Day, a day that we can tell, by the wickedness run rampant in the world, cannot be far away. Yes, End Times will soon be upon us, and may you, each and every one of you, be ready to face God and hear his eternal judgement, whether ye shall be damned to burn in hell forever or be saved, saved for eternity by the grace of our divine Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you and keep each and every one of you!

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