Master Frankford, You are a happy ma...

A Woman Killed with Kindness

Sir Charles Mountford

See more monologues from Thomas Heywood


Master Frankford,
You are a happy man, Sir, and much joy
Succeed your marriage mirth: you have a wife
So qualified, and wit such ornaments
Both of the mind and body. First, her birth
Is noble, and her education such
As might become the daughter of a prince;
Her own tongue speaks all tongues, and her own hand
Can teach all strings to speak in their grace,
From the shrill'st treble to the hoarsest base.
To end her many praises in one word,
She's Beauty and Perfection's eldest daughter,
Only found by yours, though many a heart hath sought her.

[For full play text, see:
A Woman Killed with Kindness]

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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