Just think of the old bear−hunter shutti...

The Wild Duck


See more monologues from Henrik Ibsen


Just think of the old bear−hunter shutting himself up in that dark garret to shoot rabbits! I tell you there is not a happier sportsman in the world than that old man pottering about in there among all that rubbish. The four or five withered Christmas−trees he has saved up are the same to him as the whole great fresh Hoidal forest; the cock and the hens are big game−birds in the fir−tops; and the rabbits that flop about the garret floor are the bears. He has to battle with the mighty hunter of the mountains!

Ibsen, Henrik. The Wild Duck. http://www.public-library.uk/ebooks/106/54.pdf

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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