I know you think Mr. Mushnik's too hard...

Little Shop of Horrors

Seymour Krelborn

See more monologues from Alan Menken Howard Ashman


I know you think Mr. Mushnik's too hard on me. But, I don't mind. After all, I owe him everything. He took me out of the Skid Row Home for Boys when I was just a little tyke. Gave me a warm place to sleep, under the counter. Nice things to eat like meatloaf and water. Floors to sweep and toilets to clean and every other Sunday off. A lotta garden clubs have been calling - asking me to give lectures - imagine me, giving lectures. I never even finished grade school. And, I know I need new clothes, Audrey, but I'm a very bad shopper. I don't have good taste like you.

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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