Hello. Is anybody else here? Maybe I'm a...



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Hello. Is anybody else here? Maybe I'm all alone. But how can that be? There must be someone else out there somewhere. It's such a big universe. Maybe there's a whole community out there. Maybe there are thousands of communities out there. Millions. Billions. Trillions. I wish I knew, but here I am, stuck in this small space. Sometimes I feel so isolated. Maybe this is like Europe before the discovery of America -- only it's the earth before the discovery of what? Other life? What kind? But what's that got to do with me? Maybe I should be content with what I can know. No! I want to make contact. Let me give it another try.

(an antenna slips out of the top of the bag)

Hello, out there? This is Ken. If you can hear me, send back a message. Any message. I'm not particular. Nothing yet. Let me scan a little.

(moves antenna around) Hello, again. Come in, if you can hear me. I'll accept any signal I can get.

(gives up momentarily)

Silence. No sign of other life anywhere -- I mean, that at least can send a message. Am I really all alone? Well, then, how about God?

(wiggles antenna)

Hello. Are you there? Can you see in here? If you're so good, why am I all alone? You don't expect me to be content with this, do you? Well, don't act so high and mighty. If I wasn't here to perceive you, where would you be? But that's an old story. If HE or She or Them or It wasn't there, would I be here? But why do I have so many questions and so little knowledge?

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All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only.

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